- Contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements
- Contributes to strengthening our immune system
- Reduces fatigue and exhaustion
- Contributes to increasing our performance
Vitamin A
Vitamin A takes part in normal iron metabolism and contributes to the maintenance of the normal condition of the mucous membranes. It helps the normal functioning of the immune system and the maintenance of normal vision.
Vitamin D
It contributes to the normal absorption / utilization of calcium and phosphorus, as well as to the maintenance of normal calcium levels in the blood. It helps maintain healthy bones and the normal functioning of the immune system.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress.
Vitamin C
It contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system during or after intense exercise. Contributed by
for normal collagen formation and thereby maintaining the normal state and function of blood vessels, as well as for normal collagen formation and thereby maintaining normal bones.
It participates in normal energy-producing metabolic processes and in maintaining the normal functioning of the nervous system. It contributes to the proper functioning of the heart and the maintenance of normal psychological function.
Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
Riboflavin participates in normal energy-producing metabolic processes. It contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system, maintaining the normal state of mucous membranes and red blood cells.
Niacin (vitamin B3)
It participates in normal energy-producing metabolic processes, contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and
to maintain normal psychological function and to maintain the normal condition of the mucous membranes. It reduces fatigue and exhaustion.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 participates in normal energy-producing metabolic processes and normal protein and glycogen metabolism. It contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells and the regulation of hormonal activity.
Folic acid (vitamin B9)
It is an essential vitamin for cell division. It also plays a role in the formation of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets, in the metabolism of amino acids and nucleic acids, but it also contributes to the health of the gastrointestinal system and the oral mucosa.
Vitamin B12
It plays a role in cell division and contributes to normal red blood cell formation. It participates in normal energy-producing metabolic processes.
Biotin (vitamin B5)
Biotin is involved in the normal metabolism of macronutrients. It contributes to maintaining the normal condition of hair and mucous membranes.
Pantothenic acid
Pantothenic acid contributes to the normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and some neurotransmitters. It participates in normal energy-generating processes and contributes to normal mental performance.
It contributes to the maintenance of normal mental functioning and participates in normal energy-producing metabolic processes. It contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin and participates in the body
takes part in normal oxygen transport.
Iodine participates in normal energy-producing metabolic processes and contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system. It helps to maintain the normal condition of the skin and the normal production of thyroid hormones and the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
Zinc participates in the maintenance of normal acid-base balance, normal carbohydrate metabolism and contributes to the maintenance of normal mental functioning and normal DNA synthesis. It plays a role in maintaining normal fertility and reproduction.
Contributes to maintaining the normal condition of hair and nails. It helps in the normal functioning of the immune system and the thyroid gland. Participates in normal sperm production. It contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative stress.
Podieľa sa na normálnych metabolických procesoch produkujúcich energiu. Prispieva k udržaniu zdravých kostí a normálnej tvorbe spojivového tkaniva. Prispieva k ochrane buniek pred oxidačným stresom.
Chróm prispieva k udržaniu normálnej hladiny cukru v krvi a podieľa sa na normálnom metabolizme makroživín.
Molybdén prispieva k normálnemu metabolizmu aminokyselín obsahujúcich síru.
Koenzým Q10
Vďaka svojmu antioxidačnému účinku spomaľuje procesy starnutia. Hrá dôležitú úlohu v nervových bunkách srdca a mozgu, mimoriadne aktívny je v pečeni, pri tvorbe enzýmov a hormónov a pri odbúravaní toxických látok.
60 kapsúl
Odporúčané dávkovanie:
Odporúča sa užívať 1 kapsulu denne, zapiť dostatočným množstvom tekutiny
Účinné látky v jednej dávke (v 1 kapsule):
Obsah |
na 1 kapsulu |
*NRV |
A-vitamín |
639 mcg |
80 % |
Vitamín D |
25 mcg |
500 % |
Vitamín E |
9,6 mg |
80 % |
Vitamín C |
96 mg |
120 % |
Tiamín |
1,2 mg |
109 % |
Riboflavín |
1,6 mg |
114 % |
Niacín |
14 mg |
90 % |
Vitamín B6 |
2,4 mg |
171 % |
Kyselina listová |
200 mcg |
100 % |
Vitamín B12 |
2,4 mcg |
96 % |
Biotín |
120 mcg |
240 % |
Kyselina pantoténová |
7,2 mg |
120 % |
Železo |
20 mg |
143 % |
Jód |
180 mcg |
120 % |
Zinok |
18 mg |
180 % |
Selén |
12 mcg |
22 % |
Mangán |
4,8 mg |
240 % |
Chrome |
18 mcg |
45 % |
Molibdénium |
18 mcg |
36 % |
Koenzým-Q10 |
50 mg |
** |
*: NRV: Referenčná nutričná hodnota pre priemerného dospelého.
**: NRV nie je definované.
hydroxypropylmetylcelulóza, kyselina L-askorbová, objemové činidlo (mikrokryštalická celulóza), fumarát železitý, koenzým Q10, maltodextrín, protihrudkujúce látky (horečnaté soli mastných kyselín, oxid kremičitý), oxid zinočnatý, síran manganatý, nikotínamid, tiamín mononitrát, cholekalciferol, DL-alfa-tokoferylacetát, D-pantotenát vápenatý, pyridoxín hydrochlorid, riboflavín, retinylacetát, jodid draselný, kyselina pteroylmonoglutámová, D-biotín, chlorid chrómový, molybdenan sodný, seleničitan sodný, kyanokobalamín.
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Informácie o alergénoch:
Vyrobené v zariadení, ktoré používa mlieko, vajcia, sóju a arašidy.