€ 14.02


Phosphatidylserine, the brain vitamin, in capsule form


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Manufacturer: Marathontime
Availability: In stock
Unit price: € 0.47/capsule
Expected delivery: February 05, 2025
€ 14.02
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Why do we recommend taking Phospho2?

  • It can stimulate brain processes

  • It is a component of brain neurons

  • May help cognitive function

  • It can support thinking ability and memory

MARATHONTIME PHOSPHO2 Phosphatidylserine dietary supplement capsule

Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a naturally occurring phospholipid that is present in the cell membranes of all tissues of the body, and occurs in particularly high concentrations in the brain. As we age, the level of PS decreases, so the nerve cell membrane becomes drier and less flexible. Taking a PS supplement can slow, and sometimes even reverse, memory loss.*

Active ingredient: 1 Phospho capsule

Phosphatidylserine 100mg


Packaging: 30 capsules


Quality: Phospho2 and all other Marathontime products are made with safe ingredients.


Warning: Do not exceed the recommended daily intake! The product does not replace a mixed diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of small children!


Storage: Sealed, kept at a temperature between 5-30 °C, away from direct light and moisture.


* Claims not scientifically proven by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and not verified by the European Commission (EC).

Dosage recommendation: It is recommended to take 1 capsule a day after a meal. „Közösség által ellenőrizve” ikon


4 rating
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Egyetem alatt kezdtem el szedni mert hallottam, hogy segít a memóriának. Lényegesen könnyebb volt a tanulás vele és így azóta is szedem.
Vizsgaidőszak alatt sokat segített. Normál esetben gyorsan kimerült az agyam de a phospho kitolta ezt a fáradtságot.
10/11/2020 Verified purchase
Phopho 2 a kedvenceim között van, vizsgaidőszakok alkalmával szoktam szedni, amikor mentálisan teljesen le vagyok terhelve. Omega-3 at és Ginkgo Bilobát szedek mellé ilyenkor, és ezek együttes hatása mindig segít ezekben az időszakokban. Nagyon szeretem!