Flex-Body - Joint-protecting collagen, with hyaluronic acid, MSM and vitamins

Marathontime Premium Line Flexbody is a dietary supplement aimed at supporting the musculoskeletal system and maintaining the health of joints, muscles and tendons. The product contains ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, hyaluronic acid, collagen and other vital nutrients that promote joint flexibility, reduce inflammation and help regenerate cartilage.


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Availability: In stock
Unit price: € 1.43/serving
Expected delivery: October 17, 2024
€ 29.97
Flex-Body - Joint-protecting collagen, with hyaluronic acid, MSM and vitamins
€ 29.97


  • It contains collagen in hydrolyzed form, which ensures excellent absorption

  • Eating one sachet is equivalent to taking 30 traditional collagen capsules, and it doesn't burden our digestion either

  • It helps to keep the bones, tendons and joints in good condition

  • Delicious cocoa-flavored drink powder enriched with vitamins, which can even be mixed in your morning coffee

  • Contains added hyaluronic acid and B vitamins

  • Flex-body can help bone-forming processes

  • Completely sugar-free


Flex-Body, the shape-shifting Marathontime formula from the experts

Flex-body is a highly effective, vitamin-enriched, delicious cocoa-flavored collagen drink powder. Eating 1 bag is equivalent to taking 30 collagen-containing capsules, so Flex-body is 30 times stronger than traditional collagen capsules! Flex-body is made by producing hydrolyzed collagen with excellent absorption, using a unique, special process (in a strictly controlled production process). Flex-body is enriched with magnesium and B vitamins, hyaluronic acid, vitamins K2 and D3 and vitamin C, and flavored with cocoa and xylitol. Flex-body is sugar-free.

To whom and when we recommend:

Marathontime Flex-Body collagen drink powder can be excellent for the maintenance and strengthening of cartilage, tendons, and joints used during sports or everyday movement.

Our excellent water polo player, Norbert Madaras, also chose the Marathontime® Premium Line Flex-Body Collagen drinking powder!

"Throughout my career, I have strived to be better every day. Keeping professionalism and credibility, as well as fair play in mind. Success and results are not given for free, you have to work for them every day. My goal was to to be a valuable member of a team where they can count on me and others to achieve success. This is what I had in mind when I chose Marathontime. Flex-Body always gives me new strength and helps me get through difficult moments."

Norbert Madaras
/two-time Olympic champion and two-time world champion water polo player/


Collagen peptide
Collagen can be important for the proper functioning of cartilage, it can help maintain the good condition of bones, tendons, and joints, and it can have a positive effect on the quality of skin, nails, and hair. A significant part of the wall of blood vessels is also made up of collagen, the flexible collagen fibers ensure the undisturbed expansion and contraction of blood vessels. It is also found in a significant proportion among the proteins of the eye, which helps the flexibility of eye movement.

In Flex-body, the collagen is already present in the form of peptides, i.e. it is predigested and hydrolyzed. Thus, its absorption is excellent and it does not burden our digestion either.


Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2 has a beneficial effect on the bone formation process, its primary task is to regulate calcium metabolism.


Vitamin D3
It keeps the body's calcium level in balance, strengthens the immune system, and plays a role in insulin secretion.


Hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is a lubricant for joints. *


Packaging: 21 bags (21 servings)


Recommended dosage:

1 packet of Flex-body per day mixed in coffee, milk or even water.

Nutritional value:

Name one serving (7 g) *NRV%

Hydrolyzed collagen 

 5000 mg  ** 

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

500mg **
Vitamin-C 100mg 125%
Magnesium 60mg 16%

Hyaluronic acid 

27,5mg **
Vitamin-B5 3mg 50%
Vitamin-B2 (Riboflavin) 0,75mg 53,6%
Vitamin-B6 0,75mg 53,6%
Vitamin-B1 0,5mg 45,5%
Vitamin-K2 50ug 80%
Vitamin-D3 5ug(200NE) 100%

INGREDIENTS: hydrolyzed collagen, cocoa powder, methylsulfonyl methane (MSM), sweeteners (xylitol, sucralose), ascorbic acid, magnesium oxide, hyaluronic acid, D-calcium pantothenate, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine mononitrate, vitamin K2, cholecalciferol.


Quality: Flex-body and all other Marathontime products are made from safe ingredients.


Warning: The product does not replace a mixed diet and a healthy lifestyle.


8 rating
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11/05/2024 Verified purchase
Fogyókúra mellett/miatt fogyasztom. Azon túl, hogy hasznos az ízületeimnek, a bőrömnek is megfelelő, mert ezzel a termékkel az arcom nem viseli meg a fogyás. A kozmetikusom folyamatosan dicséri a bőröm, hogy mennyire rugalmas. (A korom 50- :) )
Sérülés miatt sajnos abba kellett hagynom több sportot. Sokáig kerestem valamit ami tudna segíteni és én a Flex-Bodyban találtam meg a segítséget. Több sportot is elkezdhettem újra miatta.
Kattogot éveken keresztül atérdem és akármit szedtem rá nem segtett. Elkezdtem használni a Flex-Bodyt és 1 hónapon belül megszűnt a kattogás. Csak ajánlani tudom akárkinek akinek hasonló problémája van.
A termék könnyen oldódik és kellemes íze van.
A kávéhoz jól megy, azóta nem rakok bele cukrot. Ízület fájdalomra szedem.
Meg vagyok elégedve vele kúra szerűen szedtem.azaz egy hónapig utánna egy hónap pihenőt tartottam.nagy súlyzós edzést végeztem.
31/05/2022 Verified purchase
Magamnak rendeltem, már 2.alkalommal, mert előszőrre is bevált. Mindenkienk tudom ajánlani, főleg azoknak, akik egész nap csak ülő munkát végeznek! Nagyon sokat segít az ízületek védelmében.:)
Apukámnak rendeltem aki túlsúly problémaja miatt állandó ízület problémákkal küszködik. Amióta szedi a terméket nagyon sokat javult az állapota!